
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

{ Personal } Exits

Yesterday, our department went through another round of exits. This is the 3rd round this year (or should I say these 2 months). Though the boss has reassured that this will be the last round this year. Many staff are concerned and worried. Morale is not great. Being responsible for people engagement for the department, I found it hard to bring myself to brainstorm for Year End celebration ideas with the current exercise. Will also be losing a staff end of the year. While I am pretty much prepared my heart and team for the new changes. It is still a sad situation to lose a staff. Hope the economy will change for the better soon.


Dionne said...

I'm sorry to hear. :(
My husband works for NASA, so it's the same sort of thing going on over there. Not the best feeling going in to work each day, that's for sure.

Piggy said...

Dionne - Thanks for sharing. The economy is bad and is affecting alot of companies and most importantly alot of people are losing jobs. I hope dust will settle soon.