You may wonder... what's a Coochy Coodles?? I found these cute babies (literally) tugged away in one of my sister's stash when I was doing some packing at my folks place. They were toys that my sister used to play when she was little.. When I saw them, I was so thrilled as they were so cute and I think they will be PERFECT as a collector's item or be made into key chains which is perfect for a present for a new mum! Also, these Coochy Coodles each have a card (like a birth certificate) describing about themselves.
Here's some background on these "babies" Coochy Coodles
Coochy Coodles are sweet little Oodles that are tickled pink from oodleloop to oodletoe. They don't have clothes, but they sure have fun! Coochy Coodles love to play and laugh, but if you ask them, friendship is the most wonderfoodle thing in the world!
Come tell me what you think?
those are tooo cute!
I love them...It would be awesome if they came with clothes or diapers that you could snap on and off!
Great idea! Thanks for your feedback!
Too funny! I love them.
You know, I have a feeling that I had some of these when I was really little....I can't wuite remember though! They look so familiar! Super cute :)
They're cute!
Those are very cute and unique!
Precious.i am going to link to you if you do not mind a paranormal check..
I remember having those when I was a kid :) They sure do make cute keychains.
Those are great!!!
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